The long awaited v8.5.0.01 release is now available! This release has many updates that include new Application Architect 64 bit application, Mail Merge functionality added back to the browser for emailing, calculated field handling, and many others.
For a full list of all the updates and fixes click below:
Whats New: What’s New PDF
Resolved Issues: Resolved Issues PDF
In general, the update for v8.5.0 carries the improvements we needed to see for the base version of 8.5.0 released in 2021.
Downloading and installing the Word and mail merge integration is available in the Tools> Options menu in the web client.
Mail merge – in any browser (Email only). The Word add-in is still required for letter or print mail merge. The process for creating the new browser templates directly mirrors the CRM Workflow email template formatting and creation. (Start by typing @ for mentions…)
They did update development features further to support the Upgrade Safe Customization road map. Application Architect now includes a Manage Customizations view to allow development to review a list of files that have changed or are out of sync with recent Infor CRM SLX updates.
Application Architect is now a 64 bit application to allow for better volume handling for development. What exactly does this mean? Well for one, the general build and deploy time to complete is SUBSTANTIALLY reduced! This also includes a fix for the SLX Client portal deployment error that displayed an Out of Memory error. For that one we are grateful, it was not a show stopper but very annoying for the developer.
Here are some of the development highlights that developers would be interested in:
Local file system versus Virtual file systems: Managing your changes in a Local File System still carries some workarounds that you must stay aware of. See the full documentation for the steps to utilize this method.
Project backups: Currently, you can only restore the Infor project backups from v8.4.0 and v8.5.0. So be sure to keep your customization bundles versioned off and clean. That will be the only way you can restore any failed (or corrupted) changes if you need to rollback. Infor has discussed bringing back the project backup capabilities but as of this release, that is not the case.
Project Difference Manifest deprecated
Importing from another project deprecated
Overall the User interface is unchanged except for a slight re-branding on the naming that was changed to Infor CRM SLX and bringing the email for mail merge back to the browser. But the difference is more substantial on the development and management of the development. This new update has solidified the upgrade-safe development into a cohesive software that allows a layered approach to the development where you can choose to release the new forms or keep your customized ones in front of the user.